Helping Others

I didn't really know where to start with this blog. It’s not a fashion blog or a review. It’s more of a blog to tell people about The Anthony Nolan Trust.

The A.N.T. is an amazing charity that gives people bone marrow transplants. However they can only find a matching donor for half the people who come to them in desperate need of a life saving transplant. After hearing about the trust and doing some research I decided to sign up to become a donor.

The team at Anthony Nolan have been so supportive already. They've emailed me to tell me about different ways to fund-raise and given me loads of advice; they are also sending me a pack explaining the different ways to donate and making sure I am aware of what I have to do.

I've had a few people say to me I am so brave for doing this, however I don’t see it as me being the brave one. At the end of the day I can go home and yes I will have flu like symptoms for a little while but I'm not the one who has to wait and see if the transplant worked. I'm not the one with the life threatening disease. So if you think about it I kind of get the easy part.

I have really begun to throw myself into charity work. I have started up a facebook page (link below) and am aiming to get 5,000 likes to raise awareness for the Anthony Nolan Trust. I have also set up a Just Giving account (link below) where I am trying to raise £1000. I will be doing challenges, charity events, just anything I can do to tell people about how brilliant this charity is. It costs £100 just to take a spit test for them to gather our DNA. So potentially we could be saving 10 peoples lives.

Spit Test(DNA)

Further down the line I would love to make a massive gesture. For example a long charity walk or a sky dive anything I can really. I will also be contacting the local news to try and get them involved with everything.

This charity means a lot to me and I know it means a lot to some of you to. So please take a few minutes out of you’re day to go like and share the facebook page and even donate on the just giving page. Every penny counts towards someone leading the long and healthy life they deserve. 

Remember: One day we may need to rely on others to help us and we may expect them to be there for us, however one day people may just stop giving. So help others today even if its in the smallest way.

Anthony Nolan

The Just Giving page:

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