Making Time

When people leave school or college or anything where they might not necessary see them everyday it is really important to me that you make time for each other. I feel that if a friendship has been strong over the years then going to a different college shouldn't change that. Some of my closest friends don't go to the same college as me, however we always make sure we see each other every through weeks. For example me and my friend Katy arrange every few weeks to go out for lunch where we can have a chat and just talk about all the new things that have been going on in our lives. She was the one who encouraged me to start writing the blogs. She is also trying to get me into doing youtube videos. Another friend I stay in touch with a lot is Abbie, even though I haven't known Abbie for that long she is like a sister to me, they both are. 

You know you have a friend for life when you don't have speak to them everyday or see them everyday but when you do you act like you never spent any time apart. Yes sometimes it is hard to try and fit everything in like your work or family and friend time but it is worth it. 

For my 16th birthday everyone got together down the beach 

I always used to worry that if I ever moved away or changed schools I wouldn't have any of my old friends but it has taught me that the friends you might have thought were your best friends might not bother with you out side of school, where as the friends who you were close with but weren't necessarily in your "group" are the ones you can stay in contact with for the rest of your life. 

Mine and Katys annual lunching

  Some things you can do:

  • Go out for a meal, it can be somewhere like a fast food place but I find it better to do a pub lunch or something as it is a new place you can both try and it becomes more civilised

  •  Have a sleepover! There's nothing better than watching chick flicks whilst having a chat and catching up on old times

  • Go and see a show. You could organise to go and see a show somewhere or a concert and it will always be a memory that you will have together.  

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